Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara
Acum vezi arhiva reprezentației din:
October 16, 2024, 7:30 p.m. (Season 2024-2025)
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Today, October 16, 2024, 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m., starting in The Stronghold Synagogue (6 Mărășești Street) and continuing in the hall of the German State Theatre Timișoara

Sidy Thal

By Thomas Perle & Clemens Bechtel –– Direction: Clemens Bechtel (a. G.)
Co-production with Jewish State Theater Bucharest

Duration of the performance: 1h50'
Surtitles: RO/GE/EN

Age limit: 12+

On 26 November 1938, two hand grenades exploded in the auditorium during a performance by the Jewish-Bucovina singer Sidy Thal and her ensemble at the Timisoara Theatre. An anti-Semitic attack by the Iron Guard, a far-right nationalist group, in which four people were killed and seventy injured. 

A little-known event in the city of Timișoara/Timișoara, European Capital of Culture 2023, that playwright Thomas Perle and director Clemens Bechtel researched with the help of Maria Mădălina Irimia from the Centre for the Study of Jewish History in Romania "Wilhelm Filderman" in Romania and created a documentary based on it. 

What is true? What really happened? It is an attempt to reconstruct the attack and the moment when antisemitism and fascism became part of everyday life in a multicultural society, leading to the horror of World War II and the Shoah. 

SIDY THAL is the first cooperation between the German State Theatre Timișoara and the Jewish State Theatre Bucharest. 

A multilingual work in Yiddish, German and Romanian.

Surtitles: RO/GE/EN

Age limit: 12+ 


The project is part of the national cultural program Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023 and is financed by the OverBorder Culture+ program, implemented by the Center for Culture and Art of Timiș County, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

The project is organized in partnership with the Department of Interethnic Relations of the Government of Romania.

Premiere: November 4, 2023, 7:30 p.m.
Duration: 01:50


Sidy Thal / C. Codreanu
Enikő Blénessy

F. Ghedeon / actress
Silvia Török

Usher / Voice
Daniela Török

Olga Török

Oana Vidoni

Boris Gaza

I. Popa
Rareș Hontzu

P. Fleschin
Richard Hladik

Ensemble of 'Motl the Cantor's Son' by Scholem Alejchem and the voices on the audio-walk

Enikő Blénessy

Viorica Predica (a.G.)

Maia Morgenstern (a.G.)

Silvia Török

Katia Pascariu (a.G.)

Daniela Török

Olga Török

Oana Vidoni

Radu Brănici

Rareș Hontzu

Mircea Dragoman (a.G.)

Richard Hladik

Mihai Prejban (a.G.)

Isolde Cobeț


Serena Voaideș (a.G.)

Cosmin Hărșian (a.G.)

Clemens Bechtel (a.G.)

Sets and Costumes
Șteff Chelaru (a.G)
Ioana Groza (a.G.)

Dan Simion (a.G.)

Maria Irimia (a.G.)

Dramatic collaboration
Dan Druță (a.G.)

Direction assistance
Isolde Cobeţ

Bojita Ilici
Aurora Spasinovici (a.G.)

Technical direction
Ovidiu Radu
Aurel Cristea (a.G.)

Recordings for the audio-walk & Video Design
Alex Halka (a.G.)

Musical training
Roxana Ardeleanu (a. G.)

Press excerpts

Clemens Bechtel's direction offers elegance and avoids over-emphasis, without, however, avoiding the evocation of responsibilities and the delineation of good from evil. There's no need for ultra-pathetic approaches, nor for the relativisations that were fashionable in later years. The Holocaust was one of the greatest tragedies in human history. Period. Its emergence was made possible by a series of causes that do not exclude individual responsibilities / cowardice whose ignorance / minimization can lead to a repetition of the sinister events. This is why Codreanu is so much like Sidy Thal. Because recognizing the seeds of evil is never easy. That's why Codreanu ascends and descends among/of us and gobbles with gusto while declaring he's on hunger strike and posing with the aura of a crowd-blessing saint. Because his nature has nothing to do with divinity and everything to do with humanity.

Mihai Brezeanu



