Monday, 1 February

Tuesday, 2 February

Tuesday, 9 February

Tuesday, 16 February

in the German Theatre Hall

The Fuchsiad

based on Urmuz

An Heroic-Erotic and Musical Poem in Prose

Translation in German: Oskar Pastior

A theatre installation imagined by Helmut Stürmer, assisted by Silviu Purcărete

Wednesday, 17 February

in the German Theatre Hall


based on Euripides and Aeschylus; Stage version by Benedek Zsolt –– Directed by Bocsárdi László

Thursday, 18 February

Friday, 19 February

Monday, 29 February

in the German Theatre Hall


by Peca Ștefan –– Directed by Alexandru DabijaTranslation in German by Ildikó Jarcsek-Zamfirescu, German translation of lyrics: Dana Borteanu, Corina Bernic, Ernest Wichner, Harald Weisz