Saturday, 5 November

Spectacol invitat

Singing Bodies` Trilogy

SINGING BODIES' TRILOGY is a three-part contemporary dance performance that encapsulates the kinesthetic and sensory experiences of three choreographers in relation to the city in which they live. 

The event is organized within 𝐃.𝐀.𝐍.𝐒 ™ – collective dance platform for Timișoara, developed in partnership with 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐱, AREAL - space for choreography development, Concentric Projects, and financed by the City of Timișoara through the Project Center. 

Sunday, 6 November

Teatrul de Nord Hall, Satu Mare

Participare la festival

Humans. For sale

At the Interethnic Theater Festival Satu Mare 

by Carmen Lidia Vidu –– Direction: Carmen Lidia Vidu (a.G.)

Wednesday, 9 November

Saturday, 12 November

Bulandra Theater, „Liviu Ciulei” Hall, Bucharest

Participare la festival

Humans. For sale

At the National Theater Festival - in Bucharest 

by Carmen Lidia Vidu –– Direction: Carmen Lidia Vidu (a.G.)

Saturday, 19 November

Sunday, 20 November

Monday, 21 November

Thursday, 24 November

Friday, 25 November

Monday, 28 November

Tuesday, 29 November