Saturday, 4 November

starting in The Stronghold Synagogue (6 Mărășești Street) and continuing in the hall of the German State Theatre Timișoara



Sidy Thal

By Thomas Perle & Clemens Bechtel –– Direction: Clemens Bechtel (a. G.)

Co-production with Jewish State Theater Bucharest 

Tuesday, 7 November

at the New Millennium Reformed Centre. Meeting point: "Corneliu Coposu" vaporetto station, Decebal bridge, near the Prefecture

Parallel City: Fabric

by Ștefan Peca –– Directed by: Ana Mărgineanu (a. G.)

To attend the event, please bring a charged phone, preferably with Android operating system, a headset and a willingness to explore. The track will start at the vaporetto station "Corneliu Coposu".

Wednesday, 8 November

Sunday, 12 November

starting in the Great Synagogue (4 Vasile Adamache Street) and continuing in the hall of the Jewish State Theatre Bucharest



Sidy Thal

By Thomas Perle & Clemens Bechtel –– Direction: Clemens Bechtel (a. G.)

Co-production with Jewish State Theater Bucharest 

Monday, 13 November

starting in the Great Synagogue (4 Vasile Adamache Street) and continuing in the hall of the Jewish State Theatre Bucharest



Sidy Thal

By Thomas Perle & Clemens Bechtel –– Direction: Clemens Bechtel (a. G.)

Co-production with Jewish State Theater Bucharest 

Tuesday, 14 November

in the German Theatre Hall

Spectacol găzduit


by Konrad Hetel–– Direction: Radek Stępień

Producer: Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Arts in Warsaw

Free entry by prior reservation

Surtitiles: EN

No age limit

Wednesday, 15 November

at the Municipal Theatre "Traian Grozăvescu" in Lugoj




Humans. For sale

by Carmen Lidia Vidu –– Direction: Carmen Lidia Vidu (a.G.)

The event takes place at the "Traian Grozăvescu" House of Culture in Lugoj, on the stage of the Municipal Theatre

in the German Theatre Hall

Spectacol găzduit

Instructions to become someone else

after Édouard Louis.

Dramatization: Estera Stenzel  & Ensemble / collective direction 

Production: Music and Arts Private University of the City of Vienna, Austria (MUK)

Free entry by prior reservation

Surtitiles: EN

No age limit

Thursday, 16 November

Thursday, 23 November

in the German Theatre Hall




after Herta Müller –– Directed by Niky Wolcz (a.G.)

Friday, 24 November

in the German Theatre hall




after Herta Müller –– Directed by Niky Wolcz (a.G.)

Saturday, 25 November

in the German Theatre Hall



The Theater

By Pascal Rambert –– Direction: Pascal Rambert (a. G.)

Co-production with French Institute of Romania in Timisoara

Attention: Stroboscopic effects are used in this performance.

Sunday, 26 November

in the studio hall of the Hungarian State Theatre

SIDY THAL a schtikl

Dear viewers,

In view of the latest events in Israel, for security reasons the stage reading of Thomas Perle's SIDY THAL a schtikl, on November 26, 2023, will be moved from the Stronghold Synagogue (6 Mărășești Street) to the Studio Hall of the Hungarian State Theatre "Csiky Gergely". Entrance will be from Alba Iulia Street, no. 2.


by Thomas Perle

Stage reading / Free entry

Language: German (with translation in Romanian and English). 

Tuesday, 28 November

at the Municipal Theatre "Traian Grozăvescu" in Lugoj




The Snow Queen

by Evgeny Schwartz  –– Direction: László Béres (a.G.)